Telehealth: How to Get the Most Out of Your Virtual Visit

During the coronavirus pandemic, many doctors’ offices are closed for non-emergency care and more patients are embracing telemedicine. Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen an increase in virtual consultations among both established and new patients.

One of my knee replacement patients had an in-office follow-up appointment on the last day it was open in early March, but given the choice, he opted for a telehealth consultation. He told me his online follow-up appointment after knee replacement was easy to set up, and it worked well. While consulting in front of his computer screen, he was even able to show me his knee.  

I’ve also had telemedicine consultations with several new patients seeking an orthopedic surgeon for a hip or knee replacement. Although they can’t have the surgery right away, they’ve already been told that the best option for pain relief is a joint replacement, and they’re planning ahead. 

Although elective surgeries, including hip and knee replacement, are now on hold in the New York metro area, patients can get the ball rolling by scheduling a virtual visit. In addition to being able to meet a doctor online and have a remote consultation, patients can send medical records, x-rays and MRIs to the physician.

In appropriate cases, patients can receive a tentative date for an in-office consultation once it reopens for non-emergency care. Many patients are relieved to know that once we start performing elective surgeries again at Hospital for Special Surgery, they will be at or near the top of the list.

For a someone considering surgery, a virtual consultation is also a good way to get to know a physician. A patient can see if the physician inspires confidence, takes the time to answer questions, and takes a genuine interest in the patient and his or her concerns.

Here are some tips to make the most out of a virtual medical consultation:
  •          Test the visual quality of your webcam and the sound quality of your microphone before the virtual visit.
  •          Make sure you have a good Internet connection.
  •          Plug in your computer or mobile device so it doesn’t run out of power.
  •          Set up the camera at eye level so it is easier for the doctor to see and engage with you.
  •          Close unnecessary programs. Having too many programs running on your computer or device can strain its memory and reduce the quality of your video consultation.
  •          Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted.
  •          Look into the camera and stay close to your device so the doctor can see and hear you.
  •          Before the consultation, write down your symptoms, any medications you are taking, previous consultations you have had regarding your health issue, dates and types of previous surgeries, and any prior hospitalizations.
  •          Write down your questions in advance. If you have a concern, don’t be afraid to discuss it with during the consultation.
  •          If the doctor gives you instruction, repeat them back to him or her to make sure you understand them.

Anyone who would like to set up a telehealth consultation me is invited to call my office at 212-606-1510. Stay safe and healthy!


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