
Showing posts from January, 2017

Top Myths about Arthritis: Knowing the Facts Can Help You Manage it Better

Arthritis is a painful condition that can make activities of daily living difficult, if not impossible.   Osteoarthritis, the most common form of the disease, affects millions of Americans and is caused by wear and tear on a joint.  It often affects the knee or the hip.  Misconceptions about arthritis are prevalent, but knowing the facts can help people to better manage the disease. Here are the top myths and facts about arthritis:  1- MYTH: If you have arthritis, you shouldn’t exercise. FACT: It may seem counterintuitive, but the appropriate exercise can help many people feel better. Certain exercises, such as swimming or the stationary bicycle, can help relieve stiffness and alleviate pain. Physical therapy or an exercise program to strengthen muscles around the joint can also be very helpful.   2 - MYTH : Arthritis is a disease of the elderly. FACT : About two-thirds of patients are under 65. In fact, increasing numbers of people in their 40’s and 50’s