Tips to Manage Arthritis When Staying at Home

At the height of the pandemic, people displayed good judgment and stepped up to the challenge, staying at home to stop the spread of coronavirus. Although many locations are beginning to see a slow return to the “new normal,” many doctors’ offices are only open on a limited basis. Elective surgeries, such as joint replacement, are still on hold in New York City. Since March, many people with arthritis have gone without physical therapy or injections at their doctor’s office to relieve pain. Those scheduled for joint replacement surgery had their procedure postponed. People with arthritis can adopt good practices to help lessen pain while they wait for treatment. While staying at home, people may have gotten into the habit of watching a lot of TV or spending hours online. In the current pandemic climate, that’s understandable. But it’s good for those who have arthritis to engage in mild exercise or take a walk, if they can. If you sit around too much, your joints can become s...