Study Finds Good Outcomes in “Dual Mobility” Hip Replacement

More than 350,000 hip replacements are performed in the United States each year to relieve pain and restore mobility. Overall, it's a highly successful procedure and has given many people a new lease on life. However, as with all surgeries, the risk of a complication exists, and dislocation is one of the most common. At Hospital for Special Surgery, we conducted a study that found that an implant known as an anatomic dual mobility (ADM) hip replacement significantly lowered the risk of dislocation, reducing the need for a revision surgery. My colleagues and I evaluated almost 200 hip replacements with the dual mobility implant and found no dislocations at follow-up of at least five years. The research appears online as an ePoster as part of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, which was transformed into a virtual experience due to Covid-19: A hip replacement implant is a ball-and-socket mechanism, d...