How Partial Knee Replacement Gave World Traveler a Leg Up

When it comes to joint replacement, each patient has his or her own set of circumstances and goals for surgery. David, who is from Alexandria, Virginia, not only wanted pain relief from knee arthritis. He was eager to get back to his active lifestyle. He has a fascinating job that takes him all over the world. So when unrelenting knee pain started slowing him down, he thought it was time to consider joint replacement. As a forensic psychologist with a PhD, he was accustomed to doing extensive research for his work. He explained that before scheduling surgery, he put his skills to use, setting out to find the best hospital and physician for the surgery. After consulting with a number of doctors, he decided to travel to New York City and made an appointment to see me at the Hospital for Special Surgery. David in Iraq "I saw several different doctors in several different states before I made a decision, as I am very wary of surgeries, especially when it can hin...