
Showing posts from September, 2017

An Unfortunate Epidemic of Falls this Year

  In the past year, four of my close friends or relatives have fallen in their home or at work. Two of them suffered broken bones. In the first instance, a friend of mine was getting ready for a trip to California and rushing around her apartment when she tripped over a pile of papers. She broke her wrist and needed surgery. She’s on the mend and doing well, but it could have been worse. Another friend was busy at work, and in her haste to get things done, she tripped on some steps and broke her foot. It’s been a long and difficult recovery. A relative who had back surgery about a year ago became distracted and fell in her walk-in closet. Luckily, she was OK. Finally, someone I know was adjusting her bath mat and slipped in the bathtub. Fortunately, she fell in such a way that she only sustained a bruise and some soreness. They all had something in common: they were either distracted or in a hurry. I can’t stress enough how dangerous a fall can be, especially for old